Good Samaritan Emergency Food Pantry
Our pantry operates on Mondays and Thursdays only from 9:00am - Noon.
Our Food Pantry fills a vital role in the community. Our pantry has been in operation for many years, serving as a source of emergency food supply. In addition to donated canned and packaged foods, cash donations enable us to also purchase meat for our freezers. Volunteers are always welcome. We are located in the small white building across the parking lot from Good Samaritan Church.
Do You Need Emergency Food?
What Do I Need to Bring? If possible...
no photo ID or proof of residence is needed
How Often May I Come?
Guests may come once a month. We recognize the extra strain that many families and individuals are under and are attempting to meet the need.
I Can't Come During Your Hours.
Are There Other Local Pantries?
Call 211 (the help hotline for anyone in need) or check here.

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