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Food Donations
Items Needed
Shelf-Stable Food Only Please
Canned: Soup, Meat, Vegetables, Fruit, and Beans
Boxes or Bags: Cereal, Pasta, Rice, and Crackers
Jars: Pasta Sauce and Peanut butter
Other Essentials: Toiletries, Feminine Products, Diapers, Formula,
and Cases of Electrolyte Restoring Drinks
Small Donations (a few grocery bags) may be delivered to Good Samaritan Food Pantry during pantry hours: Monday and Thursday 9am-12pm. 6085 Park Blvd. Pinellas Park, FL 33781.
Large Donations (an entire car trunk or more) need to scheduled through our church office. 727-544-8558 or
"This institution is an equal opportunity provider"
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